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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2021 №25: 9-17


Snitynskyi V., Doctor of Biological Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9633-1004
Dydiv A., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4436-9008
Kachmar N., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4471-5895
Datsko T., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2957-1822
Ivankiv M., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4911-2877
Lviv National Agrarian University


In the flow of soil life, microorganisms perform many important functions. However, due to significant contamination of agrobiocenoses with heavy metals, irreversible changes in the structure and functions of the soil ecosystem occur. Soil biota undergoes especially significant changes under the influence of mobile forms of cadmium, lead, mercury, zinc, as a result, there are disturbances in the processes of soil formation, which are reflected in reduction of the number and biomass of microorganisms, reducing the level of enzymatic activity and the intensity of the release of carbon dioxide from the soil. The toxic effects of heavy metals on soil microorganisms increase the manifestations of soil fatigue and loss of soil fertility, resulting in a decrease in yield and, most importantly, the quality of crop products. Therefore, to increase the biological activity of the soil, organic and bacterial fertilizers are applied, green manures are used, crop rotation is alternated, and calcium ameliorants are used to maintain favorable physical and chemical properties of the soil, to increase its fertility and resistance to heavy metal pollution.

The research has established, that the intensity of carbon dioxide from the soil was the highest with that application of organic and organic-mineral fertilizer system in combination with soil liming at the norm Biohumus 4 t/ha + CaCO3 5 t/ha and N34P34K34 + Biohumus 2 t/ha + CaCO3 5 t/ha at growing table beets, 18.9 and 17.3 mg CO2/100 g of soil per day respectively with a probable difference to the control (without fertilizers) – p

The applied fertilizers and ameliorants helped to reduce the mobility of Cd2+ ions in the soil and thus reduced their inhibitory effect on soil enzymes, resulting in an increase in their activity. It was determined, that application of Biohumus 4 t/ha + 5 t/ha of CaCO3 showed the highest enzymatic activity of peroxidase in the soil, 130.2 mg of purpurgalin per 100 g of soil respectively, which is more than the control (without fertilizers) of 42.9 mg of purpurgalin per 100 g of soil, or 32.9 % (p <0.01). The application of organic and mineral fertilizers in combination with soil liming contributed to an increase in the enzymatic activity of peroxidase in the soil by 5.8–57.2 % with a probable difference to the control of p <0.05–0.01. The research confirmed a strong correlation dependence (r = 0.89–0.98), established between the intensity of CO2 release from the soil, enzymatic activity of peroxidase, cadmium concentration in table beet roots and concentration of mobile forms of Cd2+ in the soil.

Rational application of organic and mineral fertilizers in combination with calcium ameliorants in the norm Biohumus 4 t/ha + CaCO3 5 t/ha and N34P34K34 + Biohumus 2 t/ha + CaCO3 5 t/ha at the growing table beets significantly reduced the mobility of Cd2 + cations in the soil, reduced their toxic effect on the soil microbiota, and also ceased the translocation of cadmium in plants of Beta vulgaris L.

Key words

biological and enzymatic activity of soil, beetroot, peroxidase, carbon dioxide, cadmium ions, ameliorants, organic and mineral fertilizers

Full text



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