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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2019 №20: 152-155


О. Cherechon, PhD
О. Soltys, PhD
Lviv National Agrarian University


The article analyzes use of agricultural lands in Ukraine. The work confirms violation of the ecological balance of agricultural lands, forests and water objects. The authors of the research stress on a threatening reduction of soil fertility due to intensive use of land and violation of crop rotations.

A great problem is in no efficient legislative mechanism of protection of agricultural lands with fertile soils. Loss of humus is also caused by absence of the Law of Ukraine «About protection of soil fertility». In total, the mechanism of combination of the measures of economic stimulation and legal responsibility in the field of land protection is not well arranged. Moreover, requirements of protection and saving of lands are neglected because of gaps in the national legislative base.

The work presents foreign experience of an effective legislative mechanism of protection of agricultural lands with fertile soils. The authors of the research propose some mechanisms of economic stimulation of land-users to improve soil fertility. It is recommended to intensify economic penalties for significant exceedance of the share of soil-exhausting crops in the structure of cropping area, comparing to the scientifically argued standards, and to increase the size of fines 5–10 times.

The article considers that arrangement of control for rational use is possible through organizational and regulating impact on the business entities performance. The issue of land use should meet the regularities of the State ecological inspection, and executive bodies of local government should detect the most common violations. It is proposed to introduce an efficient mechanism of administrative, financial and criminal liability for violations of the land laws.

Key words

land use, ploughing of lands, soil fertility, soil-exhausting crops, violation of crop rotation, land protection, economic stimulation, legal responsibility, penal sanctions

Full text



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