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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2016 №17: 19-23


T. Bubniak, Ph.D.-M. Associate Professor
Lviv National Agrarian University


The development of advanced technologies of high-performance equipment, rolling mills, building structures and structures contain elements made of anisotropic materials, which, in part, changing the structure of the environment, can significantly influence the Concentration of stresses in the ozone of anisotropic inclusions, which in some cases caused by production technology, and in others are introduced to improve the durable properties of the element. Knowledge of reliable information on achieving components of the stresses of extreme values, in particular on the verge of a section of phases, is an important task during calculation of structural strength.

The problem of determination of the tense state of transverts-isotropic body, which contains the same inclusion on the condition of the non-ideal mechanical and thermal contacts on the boundary of the phase for the action of linear mechanical or thermal loading is urgent.

One of the effective methods of solving the elasticity theory is the Fourier method, which is based on the representation of general solutions of the equations of equilibrium through potential functions.

Numerical analysis was conducted in the conditions of an inaccurate contact for materials with elastic characteristics:

Include: – (1010  n/m2)  

Environment: − (1010 n/m2) 

All others , both for inclusion and for the environment.

The paper examines the nature of the tense state and redistribution of the concentration of stresses on the surface of the sferoidal inclusion on the stretch along the OZ axis. It is worth noting that the non-ideal contact at the border of the phases has substantially affected the distribution of tensions in Inclusion. In particular, to stretch along the OZ axis, the tension in the inclusion is almost linear, reaching the maximum values near the pole. There is a significant influence of anisotropy on concentration of stresses in case of substantial difference between elastic steels and inclusions.

Key words

potential functions transversely isotropic medium contact sphe-roid field stresses

Full text



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