The role and importance of soil in the development of the social aspect of society

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2019 №23: 191-195

The role and importance of soil in the development of the social aspect of society

Pozniak S., doctor of geographical sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3012-1159
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


The article contains the author's reflections on the formation and substantiation of many aspects in soil concerning its connections with social sciences. Arguments about the exceptional importance of soil resources modern world and the importance of scientific research in soil science, which can become an important instrument solving social problems, are found. It is shown that soil resources, being the basis of agricultural development, long-term" capital through which different nations exist and develop, in order to maintain the population normal conditions and to its improving, it is important to use this global resource wisely. The attitude of people to the recognized as fundamental for nations sustainable development and, moreover, the life expectancy of a civilizatlc depend on the people attitude to soils. In order to maintain collective well-being of people, a long-term interest” society in soil protection needs to be reoriented - this should become a priority task for our civilization. The curren of soils can be a characteristic erf the development of society as weil as a criterion for assessinq the act!', government and sodal stability in the country.

Taking into account the predominantly unique composition of the soil cover of the country in the productive and ecological aspects, the purpose of the land reform was to become a full-fledged landowner, who would not only receive high yields, but also take care of the soil fertility.

In order the soil perform a social function, it is necessary to develop organizational, technological, technical, educational, aesthetic and educational measures, soil-saving innovative technologies, conservation tools, obligatory observance of technologies, training of qualified specialists  in soil science, active land and legal policy of the state.

Key words

social soil science, soil resources, soil protection, the role of the soil, fertility of soil, soil conservation technologies

Full text



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