Study on clonal pear rootstocks in nursery in condition of Western Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2019 №23: 129-132

Study on clonal pear rootstocks in nursery in condition of Western Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine

Hulko V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5824-7722
Hulko B., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5915-9564
Lviv National Agrarian University


Today pear production in Ukraine has a growing trend. As a result of such situation we can see a rising demand for high quality planting material which provides an early and large yield. Existing fruit nurseries can not meet modern market demand for high quality trees and their quantity.

The main aim of pear production is an establishing of low vigour, highly productive orchards with good yield potential and fruit quality. Clonal dwarfing and semi-dwarfing rootstocks plays an important role in this process. At the same time demand for pear trees on such rootstocks constantly rising.

Region of Western Ukraine feels lack of pear orchards. There are not much newly planted sites. One of the reasons of such situation – not much information about new rootstocks and pear varieties which are suitable for local conditions. That’s why our study on clonal pear rootstocks in nursery in condition of Western Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine have been done.

The article present a result of 3-year study on growth of 20 pear-rootstock combinations in nursery. Such as 5 types of quince: Quince A, Provence, Quince S1, BA-29 and IS 2-10 which were budded with pear varieties: Stryiska, Talgarska Krasunia, Xena and Conference. At the time of trees growth we’ve been measuring the main parameters according to common methodology. On the base of obtained data we made some conclusions about rootstock-variety interference.

Better productivity of standard trees in nursery was provided by quince S1, IS2-10 and quince BA-29. Amount of trees differ slightly by varieties and was about 50,2–70,1 thousand/ha which is 1,5–1,7 times more comparing to control Quince A.

At a time of nursery tests we didn’t see any incompatibility after budding pear varieties Stryiska, Talgarska Krasunia, Xena and Conference on all tested rootstocks.

As a result of three years tests on biological and commercial features of pear rootstock-variety growth of the trees in nursery we propose for the further large scale commercial tests use a clonal pear rootstocks S1, ІS 2-10 and ВА-29 which provide much better results comparing to the existing and widely udes today pear rootstocks.

Key words

pear, clonal rootstocks, quince, varieties, nursery, productivity, fruit trees

Full text



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