The influence of nutrition optimization on the productivity of spring oil crops on the southern chernozem in the zone of Ukrainian steppe under the influence of biopreparations

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2019 №23: 112-118

The influence of nutrition optimization on the productivity of spring oil crops on the southern chernozem in the zone of Ukrainian steppe under the influence of biopreparations

Gamayunova V., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4151-0299
Khonenkо L., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5365-8768
Moskva I., Аssistant
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5642-2777
Kudrina V., graduate
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9471-8272
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

Glushko T., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6699-2693
State higher educational institution "Kherson State Agricultural University"


The article presents the materials of research conducted on the southern chernozem with spring oilseeds during 2014–2017 yrs. with the comparative characteristics of their harvest and the main indicators of seed quality. It was given the levels of seed productivity of spring oilseeds, which were grown in the southern steppe of Ukraine – the most common sunflower, flax and still little-known spring Ginger. For all crops, the nutrition conditions were optimized on the principles of resource saving. This was achieved through the use of modern biological products and growth-regulating substances on the background of applying of moderate doses of mineral fertilizers. It was found that less-common oilseeds to be advisable to sow in the dry conditions of southern steppe of Ukraine as an alternative to the sunflower, which increasingly drained and dehydrated the soil due to their biological characteristics.

By researches it is established that use of modern ramming medicines for processing of seeds or crops of summer oil-bearing crops, significantly increase their harvest. So, in three years of researches the productivity of sunflower in control option averaged 2,52 t/hectare, and depending on a biological product, its dose and term of carrying out pozakorenevy fertilizing grew to level 2,76–3,56 t/hectare, or from 9,5 % to 41,3 % in the most optimal variant of food.

The productivity of seeds of an olive flax of a grade of Vodogray in two years of researches grew according to 1,06 t/hectare up to 1,17–1,39 t/hectare, and a grade Orpheus from 0,99 t/hectare in control up to 1,11–1,34 t/hectare in options from a p_dzhivlennyama. The maximum productivity as it is defined by researches, a flax oil the nutr_vant created for carrying out two fertilizing b_opreparaty plus oil norm on 2 kg/hectare in phases of a fir-tree and at the beginning of budding on an introduction background in Seva of N30P30K30. Respectively the studied grades in the specified option of food collected 1,39 t/hectare of seeds (a grade of Vodogray) and 1,34 t/hectare (a grade Orpheus) that for 31,1 and 35,4 % it is more in comparison with control. It is extremely important that for optimization of food in seeds of an olive flax the content of fat and conditional collecting (exit) oil from unit of area increases. If from control option of an olive flax of a grade Vodogray the last indicator averaged for 2016–2017 – 0,48 t/hectare of oil, then in the most optimal variant of experience – 0,67 t/hectare (39,6 % more), and grades Orpheus according to 0,40 and 0,59 t/hectare (47,5 % more).

Similar to optimization of food on the principles of resource-saving affects productivity and quality of seeds of the Saffron milk cap of Yarovoy. So, on average in three years in control of a plant created only 0,4 t/hectare of seeds. For processings of seeds before sowing by biological products its productivity increased up to 0,60–0,65 t/hectare, and for carrying out also pozakorenevy fertilizing increase in a harvest was essential – up to 1,5–1,6 t/hectare. Seeds of the Saffron milk cap of Yarovoy it is characterized by exclusively high rates of his quality, in particular content of oil and fat acid its structure. The oil-bearing crops investigated by us Jari are in the increasing demand, have the high cost including because of quality of oil and the growing need for it.

In particular, for flax crops oilseeds and ginger the characteristic feature is the relative unpretentiousness to the growing conditions, they are drought-resistant and they are able to effectively use moisture and significantly less tolerate nutrients for the formation of the crop compared to sunflower. However, these oilseeds form high quality seeds and especially with the high fat content and their fatty acid composition. Flax and Ginger oils are high quality oils, they have a wide range of uses including in medicine.

It was substantiated the importance of optimizing nutrition on the basis of resource saving through the use of biological products in increasing the yield and improving the main indicators of the quality of the studied spring oilseeds and, above all, the oil content and its fatty acid composition.

Key words

spring oilseeds, sunflower, flax, ginger, seed yield, biological products, nutrition optimization

Full text



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