Ecological monitoring of hydrological conditions of Yazivsky sulfur deposit in lviv region

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2019 №23: 19-22

Ecological monitoring of hydrological conditions of Yazivsky sulfur deposit in lviv region

Snitynskyi V., doctor of biological sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9633-1004
Zelisko O., candidate of agricultural sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1713-4243
Khirivskyi P., candidate of biological sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7246-9260
Korinets' Yu., candidate of biological sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8920-3186
Krektun B., candidate of agricultural sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0224-8144
Lviv National Agrarian University


The conducted investigations of the ecological state of surface waters of the Yavorivsky Sulfur Deposit in the Yavorivskyi SMHE «Sirka» of the Lviv region evidenced the excess of the amount of sulphates, suspended solids, ammonium nitrogen, total iron, phosphates, calcium, nitrites, magnesium and mineralization in the river Shklo on the border with Poland. In particular, in the waters of the Shklo river at the transboundary point of sampling (in Krakivets village) the excess of sulfates was 1,2 TLV(threshold limit value), suspended matter – 1,42 TLV, ammonium nitrogen – 1,38 TLV, iron total – 8,53 TLV, phosphates – 1,76 TLV, calcium – 1,16 TLV, nitrites – 3,38 TLV, magnesium – 3,4 TLV, dry residue – 1,04 TLV, mineralization – 1,11 TLV. In the areas of sulfur open mining, the reduction of ground water level due to the formation of alkaline reservoirs (depressions) has taken place. It causes of losses of spring waters and decrease in the level or loss of water in the wells of settlements. In the areas where the underground smelting of sulfur was taken place, the high permeable zones, which comprised of crushed limestone skeleton have been formed instead of sulfur ore stratum .

Covering non-sulfured limestones were cracked due to uneven subsidence over the exhausted space. Exhausted zones are filled with the hot technogenic water, which appeared as a result of saturation of fresh water (heat carrier) with soluble ore compounds. Groundwater in underground smelting areas is polluted by sulfates as a result of stratum water drifting from wells. The oxidation of sulfur leads to the formation of sulfuric acid, so the hydrogen index of the soil often decreases to 3–4. During periods of intense precipitation the contamination of rivers with acidic waters is observed.

Surface waters set into the aquifers in places without clay water resistant layer and move along aquifers, leaching organic materials from the rock and reducing the oxidation-reducing potential of water. As the result of water filtration in gypsum karst formations, the sufficient amount of sulfates in water have appeared. Such situation facilitate the process of microbiological generation of hydrogen sulfide.

Key words

sulphur, environmental assessment, anthropogenic-disturbed land, surface waters, undegraund smelting

Full text



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