Ideas of M.I.Vavilov during the teaching of «Special genetics of agricultural crops» in the program of preparation of masters of specialty 201 «Agronomy»

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2018 №22(1): 5-8

Monitoring of anthropogenically disturbed lands of Lviv ground solid domestic wastes

Mamalyga V.,
Mazur A.,


The article emphasizes the importance of using the creative heritage of M.I. Vavilov in the study of special genetics of agricultural crops, sets out the requirements that apply to the knowledge gained by students during its study, the structure of discipline, the content of lectures and the methodology of conducting practical classes are presented. The lecture course is divided into 2 content modules, which logically include the material being studied and each of them consists of 2 topics: 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the genetics of agricultural crops; 2. Special genetics of agricultural crops. The main requirement during conducting practical classes is creative independent work. Each undergraduate student receives a task to work out the material on genetics and selection of a certain culture, to arrange it in the form of a presentation and to report on a practical lesson. In the work should be briefly provided information on the origin, distribution, achievements in selection, value and use of this species. The bulk must contain data on the classification of the genus, which includes the species, karyotype, chromosomal morphology, genetic potential of variability. Then data on genetic control of morphological, physiological and biochemical features, genetic mechanisms of control of resistance to biotic and abiotic factors, basic directions and methods of selection are presented. In conclusion, the student must identify the most important problem issues in the genetics and selection of this culture and formulate their point of view on the possible ways of their solution. This approach develops the skills of independent work with literature and the Internet, the ability to analyze and summarize factual material, present it in the form of a presentation and ensure sufficient mastery of the initial material.

Key words

special genetics, structure of discipline, lectures, practical classes, independent work, methods of independent work

Full text



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