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Journal LNEU: Economics of AIC 2022 №29: 72-79


H. Syrotiuk, Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8740-7959
Lviv National Environmental University


The article describes problems of the innovative development of agricultural enterprises. Basing on the consolidated scientific approaches to comprehension of the essence of agroinnovations, the author proposes a definition of the concept as innovations in agriculture, related with introduction of new crop varieties, animal breeds, new machinery and resource saving technologies that are focused on obtaining economic, social and ecological effects from their use. The work supplies analysis of the current conditions of agricultural enterprises’ development on the innovative principles and stresses on several problems, preventing innovation introduction. The research confirms rise of the innovative activity of agricultural enterprises by concentrating their activities to support the innovative development and to improve their position at the market. The author examines main types of innovations, namely product, technology, organization and marketing. It is determined that in performance of agricultural enterprises of Lviv region, the preference is given to technological innovations, which are new technologies of creating products, goods and services, as well as to product innovations, i.e. those, aiming to promote products, which are new or significantly improved. In the field of crop production, product innovations include growing soy beans, sunflower, production of organic products by agricultural enterprises. In the field of animal breeding, innovative technologies are implemented mainly in such branches as pig raising and poultry farming. It is confirmed that high technological efficiency of production can be faster achieved in crop production, whereas in animal breeding that process is more complicated because of a long production cycle. The work supplies substantiation of the direction of innovative activities of agricultural enterprises, which are specific for a particular region. It is proposed to implement a regional strategy of innovative development of agricultural enterprises.

Key words

innovations, innovation process, agroinnovation, innovative development, state support, innovation development strategy

Full text



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