Essential peculiarities of the use of land resources of agricultural enterprises

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2020 №27: 161-166

Essential peculiarities of the use of land resources of agricultural enterprises

Berezhnytska H. Ph.D.,
Syniuk O. Ph.D.
Lviv National Agrarian University
Duliaba N., Ph.D.
Lviv Polytechnic National University


Transformation processes in the society, which are connected with environmental degradation in the world and are caused by the necessity to run farming activities, set the task of ecological use of land resources by agricultural enterprises, securing efficiency of the enterprises operation. The base of land resources, being involved in some legal relations and used by agricultural enterprises, is made by land. Land, as a natural resource, which has been created and exists regardless of the will and labor of people, is the principal source to satisfy the essential needs of humanity, a place of labor. Land plays an important social role, i.e. it is the subject of social interest in legal and economic aspects, as well as a traditional object of respect in the Ukrainian society. Peculiarities of land as a means of agricultural production determine the specificity of land relations concerning management and use of land resources. Generally, land resources are considered as lands, which agricultural enterprises use to conduct their economic activities, primarily agricultural production.

The problem is that every year there is a growing need of agricultural enterprises to expand the area of their lands to be able to compete with the monopoly of agrarian holdings. Thus, lease is an important and the most relevant mechanism of land relations regulation in agriculture and organization of cooperation between the owners of land resources and their users.

Nevertheless, land lease relations in agriculture should secure the appropriate economic conditions both for the leaser and for the lessor, along with preserving the natural fertility of soils due to their rational use.

Key words

land resources, agricultural enterprises, lease, land-users, land plots

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