Organizational and economic levers and administrative methods of regulation of the sales of agricultural products, produced at households, in the context of the mechanism for managing these products sales

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2020 №27: 53-57

Organizational and economic levers and administrative methods of regulation of the sales of agricultural products, produced at households, in the context of the mechanism for managing these products sales

Fedyk O., PhD
Borysiuk V., PhD
Lviv National Agrarian University


An important component of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the sale of agricultural products should include financial and economic levers, which are a practical manifestation of the system of economic relations of sales of the products of households and administrative methods of regulating the sale of these products.

Organizational, administrative, legal, economic and financial methods may be used to regulate the sale of agricultural products by households. Legal methods are used to legally consolidate economic relations and to develop those relationships in accordance with the set goals. The essence of organizational and administrative methods, which are a set of techniques and methods of direct managerial influence on the relations of people in the process of work, is to influence the management entity on the managed object in the process of management and implementation of the processes of attraction to the circulation of commodity resources through the development of power and administrative instructions and organizational and structural arrangements. Financial and economic methods of regulation, as a component of the management mechanism, have traditionally been interpreted as a system of techniques and methods of direct influence on socio-economic development, while complying with the requirements of economic laws under certain commodity-monetary relations.

The organizational and economic mechanism for managing the sale of agricultural products to households and attracting them to the sphere of circulation should involve the use of different levers (tools) and incentives. Accordingly, the task of households should be as expedient as possible the using of legislative and regulatory levers (instruments), financial, economic, innovation and investment levers and state support in the context of solving specific problems of organizing the sale of agricultural products of their own economy.

The organizational and economic levers and administrative methods of regulating the sale of agricultural products, produced by households, should be adequate to the realities of the modern economic mechanism, which in Ukraine is determined by the interaction of the current system of state regulation of agriculture-industrial complex, consumer market, economic and trading activity and system of market self-regulation of activity of economic entities.

Key words

households, agricultural commodity resources, commodity resources involvement mechanisms, organizational and economic mechanism

Full text



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