Іnformation technologies in the management of agricultural enterprises commercial activity

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2020 №27: 18-27

Іnformation technologies in the management of agricultural enterprises commercial activity

Krupa V., PhD,
Krupa O., PhD
Lviv National Agrarian University



The article supplies analysis of information technologies, suitable to secure automation of the commercial processes management at agricultural enterprises. This research timeliness is caused by the low level of use of the information technology potential for the commercial aspect of agribusiness. The relationship between commercial, production, management, marketing and other subsystems of agrarian enterprise is revealed. The main directions of commercial activity management digitization are identified. They include supply and sales logistics management, commercial information analysis, planning and forecasting, customer relationship management, e-marketing and online trade organization. The work describes functional capabilities of modern CRM-, SRM-SCM-systems, suitable for the use in agribusiness allowing significant increase of the efficiency of interaction with customers, as well as, supply, sales, products and materials inventory management. The advantages of the latest SAP S / 4HANA ERP-system, where the functions of other business process management systems are integrated, are given in the article. The information about the domestic developments of such type, as well as of start-up companies’ products, actively introduced by agrarian enterprises, is presented by the authors. The advantages and disadvantages of different forms of agricultural products online trading are considered. Prospects for the interactive trading platforms development based on the block chain technology are outlined. In the research, the conditions for expanding the electronic marketing and agricultural products trading, as well as for introduction automatic commercial processes managing systems in the small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises are determined.

Key words

commercial activity, management, agricultural enterprises, agribusiness, automation, information technologies, Internet commerce, blockchain

Full text



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