The main challenges for the agrarian sector of Ukraine in conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2020 №27: 13-17

The main challenges for the agrarian sector of Ukraine in conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic

Fediv I., PhD,
Fediv R., assistant
Lviv National Agrarian University


The article pays the prior attention to the indexes of development of Ukraine’s agriculture during the last five years and to the trends, which can be traced in 2020. The agribusiness enterprises’ export potential building up and realization in 2015 through 2019 and its state in conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic is researched. Geographic and commodity composition of the export activity of the agribusiness enterprises is analyzed. The main challenges and problems for the agrarian sector of Ukraine in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic has been determined, in particular, there have been defined the challenges for forming and realizing the export potential of the agricultural enterprises. The ways to minimize the risks for the agrarian sector by using an invented strategy of the development of Ukraine’s agrarian sector in the period of the coronavirus-borne crisis are proposed. It is cleared up that the main task for the enterprises of the agricultural complex in the time of the pandemic is to provide the safe labor conditions. It brings about social distancing, wearing face masks, disinfection of hands, working places and so forth. All that should be done in order to prevent the outbreaks of the COVID-19 at those enterprises, as those outbreaks may entirely halt the work of the enterprise and consequently the enterprise will experience large financial losses. In addition to that, in the article, it is ascertained that it is necessary to constantly increase the quality indexes of the products of the agribusiness enterprises, since the requirements of the phytosanitary and veterinary indicators are constantly rising in the pandemic conditions. The research harbours the accented attention onto the problems, which the manufacturers of the agricultural products may face when they undertake their products certification according to the international standards and at the commencement of the Ukrainian agricultural products entering the foreign markets.

Key words

agricultural enterprises, agricultural complex, agricultural products, export, export potential, COVID-19, coronavirus crisis, agrarian sector, quality standards, agricultural and food products certification

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