External threats to the economic security of enterprises in the agricultural sector of Ukraine

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2020 №27: 5-12

External threats to the economic security of enterprises in the agricultural sector of Ukraine

Utenkova K., PhD,
Kharkiv National Agrarian University



The article is devoted to the study of external threats to the economic security of enterprises in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The rating of external threats to economic security is given, which is formed by the author on the basis of the expert assessment results, conducted according to the own methodics. Some key external threats and their impact on the economic security of agricultural enterprises are analyzed.

The aim of the article is to study the destabilizing factors of the external environment that affect the state of economic security of the agricultural sector. Within this aim, the following tasks were solved: a rating of external threats to economic security was compiled on the basis of expert survey; some external threats, which were among the ten most important ones, were analyzed.

The research methods included the dialectical method of cognition of economic phenomena, principles of economic theory on economic security; methods of theoretical generalization and comparison were used in the process of working with literary sources and studying the questions; expert survey – in assessing the impact of external threats on the formation of economic security of agricultural enterprises.

According to the results of the expert survey, the following external threats have the greatest impact on the formation of economic security of agricultural enterprises: unreasonable changes in legislation; inefficient mechanism of state support of agricultural production; price disparity; significant tax pressure; low availability of credit resources, etc. It emphasizes the key role of the state in ensuring economic security and, at the same time, stresses the low effectiveness of measures taken by the state in this direction. Sustainable development of the industry requires state support, which consists in the effective use of a set of tools and mechanisms of state regulation of the agricultural sector.

Key words

economic security, enterprises, agricultural sector, external threats, threat rating, state regulation, mechanism

Full text



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