Modern trends of restaurant business development in Ukraine

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2019 №26: 159-162

Modern trends of restaurant business development in Ukraine

S. Bugil, PhD
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 
R. Dudyak, PhD 
Lviv National Agrarian University 
Kh. Polniuk
Lviv National Agrarian University


Nowadays, along with the traditional full-service restaurants, one can observe active development of suburban restaurants, located primarily near the highways. In Ukraine, one can also find cafes of a new format, i.e. so-called creative spaces or "coworkings." Such establishments combine cafes, office and educational centers, shops, bicycle rentals, cinema halls, conference halls, design boutiques, showrooms, lectures and places for entertainment.

The establishments with Italian and Japanese cuisine are being actively developed (they are especially popular among young people); coffee houses (grain coffee has practically displaced instant one); confectionery, bakery; pubs (with their own mini-breweries); fast food and street food (Street Food Restaurants).

Recently, there has been a steady tendency to transfer the services of consumers’ consumption of products and service from the halls of restaurant industry to the address, marked by the consumer. In the international hospitality industry, this service is called “catering”.

The article describes the innovative approaches, which are used to keep regular visitors and engage new ones under conditions of rigid competition. The most common innovations in the restaurant business include Wi-Fi in restaurants, preparation of the house speciality in the public eye, interactive e-menu, use of QR codes, interactive table, interactive bar.

In Ukraine, new types of public catering appear every year. Thus, it is necessary to pay considerable attention to the peculiarities of that industry development and to monitor consumers’ response to new-emerged types of restaurants in terms of their preferences.

Key words

restaurant business enterprise, restaurant business, hospitality industry, development trends, food establishments

Full text



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Article received 16.07.2019.