Monitoring the state and problems of active tourism development in Ukraine

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2019 №26: 155-158

Monitoring the state and problems of active tourism development in Ukraine

R. Dudyak, PhD
Lviv National Agrarian University
S. Bugil, PhD
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
J. Shkvarka
Lviv National Agrarian University


The modern tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the global economy. It is considered both as an independent type of economic activity and as an inter-sectoral complex.

Today, tourism has become a phenomenon that has entered the daily life of almost a third of the world's population. Moreover, at the beginning of the 21st century, tourism ranked third among the leading sectors of the world economy in terms of income. In many countries and regions, tourism is a major source of income.

The peculiarity of active tourism is that the achievement of sports results is not its main goal, and therefore, it may be more widespread, accessible for the general public.

The studied branch of tourism includes improvement, restoration of forces, improvement of medical and physiological conditions by means of change of the forms of activity, dosed movement, rational nutrition, mental relaxation, better adaptation to unusual conditions; improvement of general and special physical training, development of endurance, agility, strength, balance; practical skills in overcoming obstacles, mastering the technique of walking, skiing, cycling, rowing; mental improvement and emotional enrichment of the inner world of people, mastering of determination, courage, self-confidence, responsibility; expanding of the local lore, improving of educational and methodological training, updating of knowledge of geography, biology, history, ethnography and culture; mastering of the theoretical foundations of organizing and conducting of hikes, developing of routes, planning of the work of tourist groups; gaining of sports experience participating in hiking.

Despite of the rapid development of tourism and its large scale, it has led to negative environmental changes in some regions. The development of active tourism in Ukraine needs support, and the coordinated development throughout the country's active tourism industry.

Key words

active tourism, tourism potential, tourist activities, environmental impact, tourism industry, ecological status, sports tourism, tourist resources

Full text



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Article received 16.07.2019.