Innovation project on electronic banking

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2019 №26: 99-103

Innovation project on electronic banking

Sodoma R., PhD
Skhidnytska H., PhD
Markiv H., PhD
Lviv National Agrarian University
Shmatkovska T. PhD
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


The article analyzes the level of development of digital technologies in different spheres of economy of Ukraine in comparison with different countries of the world. The work considers the practice of providing financial services in the conditions of e-business and defines preconditions for of financial services transformation using various forms of electronic banking. The international practice of electronic banking services is analyzed and the essence of e-banking is explored in the research. The article defines some factors, hindering development of digital technologies in Ukraine, in particular in banks. The research outlines competitive advantages of Internet banking andcharacterizes the market of domestic Internet banking services, as well as the main problems that hinder its development under modern conditions. The authors of the article investigate the state, conditions, and reasons for inefficient provision of electronic banking services, and suggest the main factors of further development of Internet banking in Ukraine, which will allow to attract more clients, increase speed and quality of their services, develop services and services, convenient and accessible to consumers, increase the security of banking activity in general.

The banks, offering e-banking services, occupy leading positions at the financial market, as it allows increasing the flow of customers, who carry out a wide range of banking operations, without visiting a bank department.

Introduction of innovative forms of distance service is constantly upgraded in terms of ever-changing infrastructure, as well as in the development of information technology. Safe use of Internet banking is ensured through the authentication of the server and users of electronic banking, confidentiality of the transmitted data and authorization of payment documents. Confirmation of transactions with one-time passwords is an important property of Internet Banking security.

Key words

bank, electronic banking, remote bank service, Internet banking, mobile banking

Full text



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Article received 11.09.2019.