The features of formation of management digitalization mechanism at agricultural enterprises

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2019 №26: 20-28

The features of formation of management digitalization mechanism at agricultural enterprises

Rudenko M. Ph.D.
National Scientific Center “Institute of agrarian economics”


The article investigates features of formation of the mechanism of management digitalization at agricultural enterprises. It has been determined that the vast majority of domestic agricultural enterprises are going to use or actually put into practice various tools and solutions of modern digital technologies. The basic principles of construction have been analyzed and key components of the mechanism of digitalization of management at agricultural enterprises have been detalized in the work. It consists of goals, subjects, objects, methods, principles, tasks, means (tools), and levers of influence. The study describes subsystems of providing, distinguishing legal, informational, technological, administrative, organizational, scientific, methodological, personnel and resource one. The research presents a structural scheme of a complex mechanism of digitalization of management at agricultural enterprises, which includes the following components, i.e. financial security mechanism, level of technological capabilities of digitalization of management, assessment of the actual state of the management system, implementation of digital transformation, mechanism of strategic management of the updated system. The work also outlines the impact of external and internal environment on the mechanism operation. The author defines the mechanism of digitalization of management at agricultural enterprises. The existing problems and threats of implementation of the updated digital management system in the practical activity of agrarian subjects of economic activity are revealed in the article. It makes negative affects on the results of production and economic activity of agricultural producers, which is reflected in the reduction of actual volumes of produced agricultural products and increase of its risks. The research substantiates the necessity and expediency of using of the proposed management digitalization mechanism at agricultural enterprises, which requires not only introduction of advanced technologies in enterprise management processes (modern equipment, equipment, tools and software), but also principal changes in managerial approaches and mechanisms, external and internal communications, corporate culture.

Key words

management digitalization, agricultural enterprises, mechanism, agrarian production, digital technologies, efficiency

Full text



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Article received 12.10.2019.