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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2019 №20: 121-124


Y. Shkurchenko, PhD
Z. Kotyk, PhD
National University “Lviv Polytechnic”



The article studies how the present stage of development of geodesy, land management and cadaster rises the requirements for operational efficiency of the works, their accuracy and guaranteeing the stability of the works quality. In the context of land cadastre works, an important position is occupied by topographic and geodetic works that are performed for the purpose of mapping of settlements and administrative-territorial units, establishment and fixing of boundaries, engineering communications, studying of the environmental characteristics. The source materials for land cadaster include topographic maps and plans of various scales, the accuracy of which depends on many factors. It is established that, at the actual stage of planning, there are three classes of problems, particularly, configuration, i.e. the problem of planning of the first order, weight, i.e. the problem of planning of the second order, and optimal improvement of the existing network, i.e. the problem of planning of the third order. It is analyzed that any survey on the optimization of geodesic networks should be started with cnsideration and execution of works concerning optimal distribution of angular measurements in the supporting elongated shape. The problem of weight, which is the optimal distribution of observation work in a fixed configuration, is called the second-order design problem. The design problem is analyzed as an optimal improvement of the existing network by inserting of additional points and (or) additional observations. The optimization of the network is proposed as minimization or maximization of the target function, which is a criterion for determination of the network quality. The criteria of accuracy, reliability and economy are used for the numerical expression of the network quality. It is proposed to give preference to modeling in accordance with the problems of the first, second and third order to support the possibility of use of an arbitrary criterion for choosing of the optimal project without the need for mathematical formulation of the criteria as risk functions.

Key words

topographic and geodetic works, land management, cadastre

Full text



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