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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2019 №20: 14-19


Luchko Y., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Lviv National Agrarian University
Kravets I., graduate student
Dnipro National University of Railway Transport
named after аcademician V. Lazaryan Kovalchuk V. Candidate of Engineering Science
Dnipro National University of Railway Transport
named after аcademician V. Lazaryan, Lviv branch


The article considers the issue of slope stability as an important aspect of transport and civil engineering. This area of research is an important technical and economic aspect. It describes the historical development of the methods for computation of slopes stability, basing on the researches of domestic and foreign scientists, who were engaged in that filed. The work outlines directions of their development, ideas, which serve as a base, factors, which are taken into account in the computation, and cases, in which it is expedient to apply one or another method of computation. The work presents distribution of the reduced methods of compartments, depending on the number of satisfied equilibrium equations, i.e. equilibrium of the moments, balance of forces, balance of forces and moments.

It is noted that study of the strength and stability of the slopes of the earth bed is a complicated task, which is determined by the need of simultaneous consideration of various factors. The reasons of loss of slopes stability are described in the research. The article describes a computation principle, which is manifested in the search of a slipping surface in the soil layer of a maximum sloping load and a minimum coefficient of stability, which is expressed as a ratio of the total of retaining forces to the total displacement forces, or a ratio of the moments of the retaining forces to the moments of the displacing forces.

The work supplies a list of programs that have become widely used in the engineering practice of stability computation, which enable performing of computation for the slopes with a complex lithological structure with consideration of additional loads and elements of structural strengthening of slopes, using the Finite Element Method (FEM). It secures forming of not a two-dimensional calculation scheme, but a virtual prototype of the set section of an array with real geometric dimensions, and physical and mechanical properties of materials. These complexes provide an opportunity to look at the position of graphs, forces, shear surfaces and other parameters, assisting in more detailed studying of the mechanisms of a shift process development than the value of the coefficient of stability.

The research describes features of the software complex PLAXIS, a list of solved problems, described models of different soils, which serve as a basis for work modeling.

Key words

earth bed, retaining forces, shifted forces, coefficient of stability, PLAXIS, slopes

Full text



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