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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2021 №22: 112-114


R. Savchak, PhD student
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9641-9273
Lviv Polytechnic National University


A theoretical assessment of the origin of spectacles in the culture of the Polish people is offered. The Polish ethnos in Ukraine in different epochs and accordingly in different territories which in this or another period belonged to our state is represented.

The flourishing of Polish theatrical life in Lviv is considered. The first permanent professional Polish theater in Lviv is described.

A number of directors of Polish theaters in Lviv are listed, in particular: Tomasz and Agnieszka Truskoliawski, Kazimierz Owsinski, Wojciech Boguslawski, Jan Nepomucen Kaminski, Tadeusz Pavlikowski, Ludwik Heller.

The influence of the Austrian authorities on the Polish theatrical art is outlined.

Attention is drawn to the modern stage of the Opera House in Lviv in 1900.

The town-planning situation of the construction of the Bolshoi Theater in the center of Lviv according to the project of the outstanding Polish architect Zygmunt Gorgolewski is analyzed.

The Lviv Theater's achievements of Western European standards and its successful appearance on the stages of Vienna and Paris are highlighted. Outstanding directors of the Bolshoi Theater in the interwar period.

The list of Polish theaters and theater groups that operated from the XVIII century. XX century Polish theaters in Lviv, with the theaters of Warsaw and Krakow, played a major role in the history of Polish theater.

The tasks of the research topic are analyzed. Attention is drawn to the emergence of Polish theatrical spectacles in Ukraine, introduced into scientific circulation some formations of the architecture of their theatrical centers.

The theatrical culture of Eastern Europe is described, which is closely connected with the activities of German, Austrian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish theaters and is a reflection of the diversity of infrastructure of Ukrainian cities.

The dynamic development of the Polish theater on the territory of Eastern Europe in the interwar period of the XX century is studiedThe artistic self-expression and monumentality of Polish theaters in Ukraine are reproduced.

Key words

theater, spectacle, prosperity, ethnos, theatrical culture, folk houses

Full text



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