The methods to estimate the capacity to form an amalgamated territorial community (based on the examples of Malekhiv, Hrybovychi and Hriada local councils of Zhovkva district Lviv region)

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2020 №27: 28-33

The methods to estimate the capacity to form an amalgamated territorial community (based on the examples of Malekhiv, Hrybovychi and Hriada local councils of Zhovkva district Lviv region)

Mykhaliuk N., PhD,
Dubnevych Yu., PhD
Lviv National Agrarian University


A territorial community occupies one of the important places in theoretical and applied research in recent years in Ukraine, in particular in the context of forming the fundamentals of a principally new system of local self-government. Local self-government, along with the state, is an institution of public life. There is a scientific problem of the study in the fact that the research on the development of local communities is currently impossible without studying their capacity, which will assess the benefits and risks of such association, determine the need for additional funds and expenditures. It will also provide an opportunity to see the strengths and weaknesses of the community, focus efforts on strengthening financial capacity and the rational use of funds to provide quality public services to community residents. The criteria for assessing the level of capacity incude the population, living permanently on the territory of the affluent territorial community; the number of students receiving education in general secondary education institutions, located on the territory of the affluent territorial community; the area of the affluent territorial community; index of tax capacity of the budget of the capable territorial community; the share of local taxes and fees in the budget revenues of the affluent territorial community. Having made the appropriate calculations, one can conclude that due to the decentralization of governance in Ukraine, the established territorial community will be capable to ensure the development of the territory, quality social services and promote welfare of their residents and Ukraine, under the available resources (human, financial, economic, etc.).

Key words

amalgamated territorial community, reform, capacity, local self-government

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