Applied approbation of the universal method of estimation of the effect, obtained due to implementation of investment projects, in any year of their life cycle

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2019 №26: 72-76

Applied approbation of the universal method of estimation of the effect, obtained due to implementation of investment projects, in any year of their life cycle

Havuka I. Ph.D.
Lviv National Agrarian University


Universalization of the methods of estimation of the effect, obtained due to implementation of investment projects, secures rationalization and automatization of the methods of determining and analyzing of the major indicators of efficiency of the investment activity for different types of investments. Thus, the author of the work has developed a universal method of estimation of the effect, obtained due to implementation of investment projects. The method enables calculating of its current value in any year of the life cycle of such projects. To perform the applied approbation of this method, estimation of the effect that is obtained due to implementation of investment project, which is associated with reconstruction and subsequent exploitation of peat and wet lands in the region, is taken as the object of the research. Basing on the analysis of initial conditions for the implementation of the investment project and considering the principles, laid down in basis of the universal method of estimation of the effect, obtained due to implementation investment projects, in any year of their life cycle, the article presents the developed formal identification components of the total effect, obtained due to reconstruction and further productive exploitation of peat and wet lands in the region. Using such formal identification for initial conditions of implementation of certain investment projects, as well as spreadsheets Excel, the author of the article has calculated components of the total effect, obtained due to reconstruction and exploitation of peat and wet lands, in any year of the project life cycle. Results of the analysis of performed calculations confirm possibility of practical use of the developed universal method of estimation of the effect, obtained due to implementation of an investment project, for the purposes of rationalization and automation of such index calculation.

Key words

investment project, life cycle, estimation of effect, universal method, applied approbation

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Article received 16.07.2019.

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