Features of agricultural enterprises’ accounting policy while growing fruit and berry crops

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2020 №27: 80-86

Features of agricultural enterprises’ accounting policy while growing fruit and berry crops

Petryshyn L., Doctor of Economics
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Matskiv H., Ph.D.
Lviv National Agrarian University



The article is devoted to the problems of forming the accounting policy of agricultural enterprises for growing fruit and berry crops. The modern trends in the market of fruit and berry products are analyzed by the authors. The current problems in the accounting of fruit and berry crops are highlighted. The authors propose specific approaches to accounting procedures to improve the mechanism for obtaining accounting information at the enterprise.

The basic directions of improvement of the organization of the accounting agricultural production in the agricultural enterprise at the stage of primary, current and final accounting are considered in the work. The accounting policy of the company is considered, taking into account the industry peculiarities and the current regulatory framework. The focus is made on the following components (mandatory elements) in the formulation of accounting policy orders, namely the work plan of accounts to detail the accounting of costs and output; terms of transfer of young unripe fruit and berry plantations in ripe; methods of evaluation of fruits and berries, by-products, products obtained from unripe plantings, as well as the methods for estimating work in progress; cost items incurred in the production of fruits and berries; methods of calculating the cost of production; forms of primary documents, used by the enterprises, which are engaged in the production of fruit and berry products.

The peculiarities of the organization of primary accounting in enterprises for timely, reliable and comprehensive information and effective management decisions are investigated. The authors analyze primary documentation on cost and output of fruit and berry products, identify deficiencies and make suggestions for its improvement. The necessity to improve the documentation of quality indicators of fruit and berry production is substantiated. Specific recommendations are given for use in the practical activity of agricultural enterprises, engaged in the production of fruit and berry products.

Key words

biological assets, sectoral features, mature and immature long-term biological assets, accounting organization, accounting policy, fruits, berries, primary documentation

Full text



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