Private and state form of property, their interaction, and impact on the economic system

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2019 №26: 56-60

Private and state form of property, their interaction, and impact on the economic system

Kolach S., Ph.D.
Vasylyna O. Ph.D.
Lviv National Agrarian University


Ownership is a sociological category that contains a number of subsystems of social relations (economic, social, legal, psychological, national, etc.) that directly and indirectly relate to owneship of the objects of nature in the process of labor and ownership of material and spiritual goods through the socio-economic form of the social mode of production. The two most important subsystems of property are economic and legal property. Reproduction of economic property is an ever-repeated process of functioning and development of various types and forms of ownership in their interaction (interpenetration, interconversions, interconnections) in accordance with their inherent laws, which is accompanied by the distinction of a dominant form of ownership. Such form becomes the one that most closely meets the requirements of productive forces development. Under such consitions, equality of ownership can be stated in legal ownership. The private capitalist property was dominant in the developed countries of the world, and this form was changed to a joint-stock in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It dialectically denies the previous form of ownership. This means that it combines a collective ownership with an individual (private) one.

In the economic system, private and state property are those components that, in economic relations between people, depend on the deep meanings. It is not just a coherent set of economic structure of production, which holds objects and tools of labor, technology, computer science, organizations, etc. An economic system can not exist without a subjective factor, that is, without people with their values (beliefs) affecting the relations of individuals, the corresponding mentality that distinguishes one nation from another, increases (or reduces) importance of national traditions while choosing a model of social state development. It is no coincidence that a person is called the main productive force, namely its relation to property, which grows into different forms in different economic systems.

Key words

ownership, forms of ownership, economic system, reproduction of the forms of ownership, legal property, economic property, appropriation

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Article received 09.09.2019.

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