Evaluation of the possibility of the use of waste dumps of coal mines in the regional ecological networks

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2019 №23: 11-18

Evaluation of the possibility of the use of waste dumps of coal mines in the regional ecological networks

Zubov A., candidate of technical sciences, doctoral student
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1759-9481
Institute of Agroecology and Natural Management of the NAAS of Ukraine



The aim of the study is to assess the feasibility of using of the waste dumps of the coal industry as objects of regional ecological networks. The study was performed on the dumps of Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC) "Lisichanskсoal". The objects of research were: the naturally afforestated conic waste dump of the mine named after Ya. Melnikov; the dump of the mine named after P.Voikov, which was reformed from conical to flat, unforestated; the dump of the mine named after M. Rukhimovich, which was reformed and artificially afforestated. The technology of preparing of the dumps surface for afforestation on the example of the dump of the “Chernomorka" mine is shown. As research methods were used: mathematical-statistical analysis of the parameters of dumps; generally accepted in forestry methods of taxation surveys of forest plantations. To assess the ecological state of woody vegetation on the dumps, an index of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of bilateral morphological features was used, the method for determining which is given in this article. The results of forest taxation surveys of plantations and the results of statistical analysis of data on the diameter of the white acacia trunk are presented. An assessment of contamination of waste dump dumps with heavy metals (TM) is given. It is shown that mobile forms of Ni, Pb, Cu, Cr are contained in the rock in elevated concentrations, therefore, the ecological situation is estimated by them as pre-crisis and crisis. According to the integral index of FA, calculated by poplar leaves, the quality of the environment on the dumps is assessed as conditionally normal, and on the adjacent territory it is assessed as critical. The conclusion from the research is that, despite the pre-crisis and crisis state of the dump rock due to heavy metal contamination, the conditionally normal quality of their environment is formed during the artificial creation of forest plantations on dumps, which allows recommending both coal mine dumps and other dump, having a developed phytocenosis on their surface, as structural elements of regional ecological networks.

Key words

ecological network, waste dumps, heavy metals, afforestation, recultivation, fluctuating asymmetry

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