The growth of the introduced apple varieties on m 9 rootstock in conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2018 №22(2): 79-82

The growth of the introduced apple varieties on M 9 rootstock in conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

Slobodianyk L., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Uman National University of Horticulture


While the variety is choosing for modern orchards take into consideration characteristics of the vigor with has influence for scheme of planting and further crop management. The necessity is arising for research of new varieties and clones which appear last time.

Our research was conducted in the research orchard of Uman’ NUH. Young trees were planted in 2015. The rootstock is M 9. Planting scheme is 4×1 m with trellis and without irrigation. We studied introduced apple varieties ′Bellida′, ′Gold Chief′ (′Gold Chief® Gold Pink′), ′Erovan′ (′EаrlуRed One®′), ′Red Jonaprince′ (′Wilton’s®′, ′Red Prince®′), ′Fuji Fubrax′ (′Fuji Kiku®Fubrax′), ′Honeycrisp′ (′Honey Crisp′, ′Honeycrunch®′), ′Florina′ (′Querina®′, control). The system of inter-row spacing maintenance was black soil. The rows spacing were mulched by straw.

It was determined that most of varieties characterized of predominance of growth processes: increase of steam was fixed from 4,3 to 10,8 mm, volume of crown was observes from 0,17 to 0,91 cubic meter and projection of crown was from 0,36 to 0,74 square meters with higher value due to ′Bellida′, ′Fuji Fubrax′, ′Honeycrisp′ and weak growth due to ′Red Jonaprince′ and ′Florina′. Change of the average length of shoots was depended from number of them during research years’ and was equal 0,35–0,50 m with longer shoots due to ′Fuji Fubrax′ and ′Honeycrisp′. It was fixed significant excess of the number of spurs due to ′Fuji Fubrax′ and ′Honeycrisp′ trees compare with other ones. The studied varieties had high awakening of the buds and high sprout-forming ability.

Key words

apple, modern orchards, M 9 rootstock, variety, clone, parameters of crown, stem, average length of the shoot, spur

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