Innovative activity of agricultural enterprises in Lviv region: results of observation

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2019 №26: 48-55

Innovative activity of agricultural enterprises in Lviv region: results of observation

Smulka O., post-graduate student
Lviv National Agrarian University


The article highlights main results of the observation of innovative activity of agricultural enterprises in Lviv region and presents the studied data about innovative activity of 169 business entities in 2016–2018.

According to the obtained results, in the studied period innovative activity was performed by 51,5 % of the observed agricultural enterprises, confirming relatively high scale of their innovative activity, as compared to the enterprises of other branches. The research argues expansion of some kinds of innovations (product, process, organization, and marketing ones) in performance of agricultural enterprises. It is studied that process innovations, related with upgrading of the technologies of production and storage of products, are the most often introduced by agricultural producers. A rather large share of the enterprises, implementing product innovations, has appeared due to initiation of production of the kinds of crop products, which are new for the business entities. The enterprises often introduce several kinds of innovations simultaneously.

The work explores the information about assessment of the results of technological innovations introduction by the enterprises. It is suggested that, in spite of a rather large number of negative estimates, almost a half of the enterprises, having introduced technological innovations, are not able to supply a clear conclusion about the results of such activity. The research has cleared up attempts of the enterprises concerning changes of the amount of expenditures for innovative activity in the nearest future. Thus, the authors of the article conclude that agricultural enterprises understand importance of the innovative transformations, still planning of implementation of some definite innovative projects is not applied as much as it wants.

The article supplies consolidated information about agricultural enterprises’ assessment of the negative impact of some factors on their innovative activity. The respondents consider lack of funds for such activity to be the greatest problem on the way of its progress. However, such problems, as lack of information, deficiency of qualified personnel, ambiguity of the market demand for innovative products, are not generally judged as significant for agricultural producers. Results of the research argue the conclusion about availability of the appropriate conditions for the further expansion of innovative activity by agricultural enterprises and differentiation of its content.

Key words

agricultural enterprises, innovative activity, types of innovation, costs, enterprise strategies

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Article received 15.10.2019.

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