Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2018 №22(2): 131-133
Olifir Yu., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Gavrishko O.
Partyka T., Candidate of Biological Sciences
Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian region NAAS
The results of investigations of the influence of the prolonged use of various fertilizer systems and periodic liming on the dynamics of the redox potential of light grey forest surface-gleyed soil under winter wheat were presented. It was established that the introduction of high doses of mineral fertilizers with the background of liming with a dose of CaCO3, calculated according to Нr, increases the redox potential of light grey forest surface-gleyed soil during the period of intensive growth and development of winter wheat plants against a similar fertilizer system with the introduction of a dose of lime calculated according to acid-base buffer capacity. It indicates the formation of intensive oxidative conditions and the growth of mineralization processes during application of high doses of lime. It was shown that the application of organo-mineral and mineral fertilizer systems with the background of liming with the dose of CaCO3 calculated according to Hr contributes to the increase of soil redox potential in the phase of the phase of the outlet in the tube and the flowering of winter wheat in 20–50 mV in comparison with similar fertilizer systems and liming dose calculated according to acid-base buffer capacity, contributing to one-sided growth of oxidation processes and additional mineralization of humus.Key words
light grey forest surface-gleyed soil, redox potential, mineral fertilizers, manure, lime, winter wheat
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