Botanical composition of alfalfa-grass agrophytocenosis depending on pre-sowing treatment, fertilizing and foliar feeding

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2018 №22(2): 67-70

Botanical composition of alfalfa-grass agrophytocenosis depending on pre-sowing treatment, fertilizing and foliar feeding

Senyk I., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Ternopil Experimental Station of the Veterinary Medicine Institute of NAAS


The botanical and species composition of the grass is one of the most important factors that determine the quality of the forage, its biological value and the longevity of meadows.It shows the ability of cultivated plants to deal with unwanted species of weeds. This is the main indicator of the grass growth in general and of its individual components, in particular, it reflects the quantitative composition, the conservation of species and their longevity, and finally the cenosis transformation depending on the technological elements.

High productivity and valuable botanical composition of grass can be achieved using simple agro methods: optimizing the care regimes and using of mineral fertilizers.

There are presented the results of research of the influence of pre-sowing treatment, fertilizing and foliar feeding on the botanical composition of alfalfa-grass agrophytocenosis.

The positive effect of pre-sowing treatment of legume component (alfalfa) with Viva growth promoters and Ryzobofit bacterial drug on the formation of the botanical and species composition of alfalfa-grass agrophytocenosis was experimentally proved. Percentage of the most valuable grass component (alfalfa) was 39,8–50,2 %, depending on the variant of the experiment.

The most effective way of fertilizing cultivated meadow agrophytocenosis that provides the highest alfalfa content in grass, on an average of three year research at the level of 50,2% is the surface treatment of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer normally P60K60 and foliar treatment of Tryamin Plus(2 l/ha), on the background of seeding grass with pre-sowing treatment of Viva growth stimulator and bacterial drug Ryzobofit.

Key words

legume-grass agrophytocenosis, mineral fertilizers, botanical composition, species composition

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