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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2021 №22: 184-186


L. Dudych, Candidate of Economic Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5711-7857
H. Dudych, Candidate of Economic Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1604-6535
Lviv National Agrarian University


It is established that the use of land potential of united territorial communities is one of the important aspects in community development. The obligatory stage of the mechanism of transfer of agricultural land plots outside settlements to united territorial communities is conducting land inventory, entering information on quantitative and qualitative characteristics, registration of the right of communal property in the State register of real rights to real estate and their encumbrances. The measures to promote community investment opportunities for projects include: to identify potential investment attractive areas; to make a description of potential investment attractive areas; to disseminate information about potential investment attractive sites. Modern land management should provide for the creation of a favorable legal framework for the active attraction of investment in agricultural development and the development of effective public policies to encourage investors. The article analyzes the leading European experience, which clearly shows that farmers also see organic agriculture as a way to get rid of dependence by reorganizing resources on the farm. Growing niche crops, medicinal plants can be promising today for the development of territorial communities. The level of agricultural development is directly proportional to the efficiency of land use by economic entities. Although administrative reform has been implemented, the use of organizational land management measures to rationalize land use remains relatively low. Organizational measures of land management in territorial communities are necessary to increase the efficiency of agricultural land use. Due to the land management as a system of ecological and economic, organizational and socio-economic measures, it is possible to establish appropriate land use regimes.

Key words

land management, territorial community, organizational measures, contour-ameliorative organization of the territory, foreign experience

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