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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2021 №22: 163-166


N. Stupen, Doctor of Economic Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1238-4016
Z. Kotyk, Candidate of Technical Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7725-0791
Lviv Polytechnic National University


Regulation of land relations and management of land resources in the city involves the development and maintenance of land cadastre – a multi-purpose registration information system for collecting, processing, systematizing, storing, summarizing, supplementing, and providing information and documents on the legal regime, the natural and economic condition of land plots with real estate located on them, as well as legal entities and individuals, including easement holders, tenants, and land users, their property rights and land lease agreements. The state land cadastre must ensure the maintenance of the land fund of all settlements – villages, urban-type settlements, and cities. For settlements, the characteristics of lands that meet construction requirements, in particular, tectonic structure, terrain schemes, depth of groundwater, the readiness of engineering networks, characteristics of existing buildings are of paramount importance. All lands located within settlements that are separated from other lands are subject to land cadastre. According to their classification, these are administrative boundaries, which are determined by the project of planning and development of cities, the general plan, or technical and economic bases of city development. The mainland cadastral unit in settlements along with the land of enterprises, organizations, and institutions are land plots for the needs of construction and maintenance of residential buildings and personal subsidiary farming. These land plots are registered and accounted with the buildings located on their territory. Categories of the lands of settlements, in contrast to other categories, include individual plots of land that are administered by city and town councils. These lands are not transferred to the use of specific land users and are not state reserve lands. It includes a part of the common land, agricultural and other lands not provided for the use by enterprises, organizations, and institutions. In settlements there is a large number of landholdings and land uses with different nature of land use as a spatial basis of production, which makes the land cadastre unique. The state land cadastre of the settlement includes data on registration of land tenure and land use, accounting for the quantity and quality of land, functional zoning of the territory, classification of grounds, economic and monetary valuation of land.

Key words

inventory of land, land cadastre, settlements, provision, land management, project

Full text



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