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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2021 №22: 109-111


A. Baranovich, senior lecturer
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5783-7897
L. Baranovich, assistant
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4521-311X
Lviv National Agrarian University


The influence of social conditions on the development of street network planning in the structure of separate territorial communities is considered.

Modern human life in the countryside increasingly needs a developed street network infrastructure, such as the one in the city. Life increasingly requires the proximity of certain human activities to the place of residence, the basis for better functioning of the settlement is a street network, with a planning structure that directly takes into account all major factors such as terrain, climatic conditions and soils.

The creation of farms has other consequences, as such formations are mostly formed in a new place behind the settlement, but belong to it territorially. Of course, the newly created farm will develop new transport links both to the village and to the highway or other settlement.

This creates a new engineering and transport infrastructure and its relationships with other existing structures. As a result of the formation of the territory of farms and the street network, the main factors of their planning structure were identified. Thus, due to the competent planning of the settlement, the creation of comfortable conditions for movement will provide an opportunity to qualitatively and quickly carry out socio-economic communications and improve trade in separate territorial communities. One of the main planning elements of the building is the street network, and it requires the special attention of the architect, the quality of design decisions will depend on the architecturally expressive environment with comfortable living conditions for residents. Therefore, with the development of the agro-industrial complex, there are new requirements for the street network, which must be taken into account in new design solutions.

Key words

street grid, farm, residential street, lane, farm street, building line

Full text



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