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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2021 №22: 69-74


А. Mazurak, Candidate of Technical Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7367-774X
А. Fedoryshyn, Master degree student
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3461-0977
V. Kalchenko, PhD student
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2394-260X
Lviv National Agrarian University



On the example of the existing building, erected in the neo-baroque style in the early 20th century in Lviv and damaged during long-term operation, structural and technological solutions for the restoration of the load-bearing elements of the facade are proposed.

The analysis of damages of a facade, in particular destruction of eaves, balcony profiles, profiles of completion of sandrikas is carried out. The lost parts of sculptures confirm their poor conditions and needs of restoration.

The problem of restoration of the facades and their elements from hydraulic lime, Roman cement and meso-Portland cement is actual, but little studied. These types of cements have their own characteristics that distinguish them from modern Portland cements and concretes based on them, so they require a special approach when working with them. The problem of corrosion of the metal structures in these types of concrete is especially relevant.

Analyzing the literature, referring to the experience of predecessors and known methods of restoration and reinforcement of concrete structures, considering the features of historical types of concrete and modern materials for restoration, the authors of the research propose experimental methods of strengthening, conservation, restoration and arrangement of balconies.

Balconies have their own features, which do not allow using the classical methods of their repair, and therefore the effective options that minimize the negative effects of the environment on the balcony are offered.

Considering the architectural and design features of the types of balconies that occur in the architecture of Lviv of the first half of the twentieth century and their emergency conditions, the optimal algorithm for their restoration and reinforcement, which would restore their load-bearing properties and stop further destruction processes, while maximally preserving their authentic appearance is developed.

Practical experience and research have made it possible to offer technological solutions for strengthening the load-bearing elements and restoration of balcony slabs made of «roman cement» or meso-portland cement.

Key words

restoration, roman cement, strengthening and restoration of the balcony, waterproofing and drainage, stucco decoration

Full text



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