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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2021 №22: 54-61


І. Kravets, PhD student
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2239-849X
Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan



An important issue for transport construction is considered – the bearing capacity of the subgrade. Problems that arise during the operation of the subgrade are described, namely increasing the speed and increasing the load on the axle, which leads to the development of residual deformations and accumulation of defects, reducing the bearing capacity of the subgrade, increasing the number of sections with speed limits. The condition of the subgrade on the railways of Ukraine is analyzed.

The influence of dynamic work of transport units on the soils of the subgrade and their physical and mechanical characteristics is considered.

A critical analysis of methods for increasing the bearing capacity of the subgrade, including the use of geosynthetic reinforcing materials, injection into the ballast layer of solutions, jet-grouting, installation in the body of the subgrade three-dimensional elements, installation of drainage structures. Each of these methods provides an example of application, advantages and disadvantages. It is established that the application of various methods of amplification left unresolved the issue of effective drainage of water from the subgrade of the ground. It is also proved that wetting the ground leads to a decrease in its strength characteristics. Therefore it is necessary to expect decrease in bearing capacity and loss of stability at action of temporary loadings from vehicles.

It is established that a more advanced method of drainage of water from the subgrade is the use of tubular drainage. Because in areas where drainage is arranged, there are fewer disorders of track geometry, and the bearing capacity of the subgrade is higher than similar areas without drainage.

A method of increasing the bearing capacity of the subgrade of the railway track, which is realized by using a combined arrangement of drainage pipes in vertical and horizontal directions in the subgrade of the embankment, which is a means of eliminating the factor that causes its deformation and defects, namely water drainage. The results of the study of the stress-strain state of the subgrade reinforced with tubular drainages by the finite element method are also presented.

Key words

subgrade, bearing capacity, drainage, pushing, reinforcement

Full text



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