Effectiveness of the ways to motivate employees at an enterprise – theoretical approach: Polish visions

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2020 №27: 173-177

Effectiveness of the ways to motivate employees at an enterprise – theoretical approach: Polish visions

Cherevko H., Doctor of Economics
Lviv National Agrarian University



The aim of the publication is to present the main results of the study and of generalizing of some theoretical approaches to the concept of motivation in economics and the specifics of employee motivation as well as of identifying some motivational systems and the principles of their selection at the enterprise. Motivation in the general sense for each person is a factor that drives him/her to some kind of effort, encourages him/her to achieve a set goal. In economic science, this problem is extremely important and it is focused on motivation and on the search of some ways to implement it to the full employment the potential of employees of the organization. Therefore, motivation is the motor force of human behavior and actions, it is also the only and necessary determinant that intensifies work efficiency. Motivation in the holistic view of the work process is a very important issue. A properly constructed employee motivation system secures more effective achievement of intended goals that in relation with satisfaction of the employees contributes to increasing employee involvement at every level of the organization. The essence of motivation is that a person is willing to carry out various activities in relation to what he/she intends to achieve. It should be pointed out that these activities can be characterized by one-offs, and may also be repetitive or continuous, or determine less or greater effort. It can therefore be concluded that motivation is a manifestation of the desire to do a given thing that results from the influence of external motivators. Considering the above-mentioned, the motivation can be the sum of everything that inclines to implement a specific action, and also arises as a result of satisfying an urgent need. In relation to business management, motivation is expressed in turn through the prism of the ability to combine individual goals of individual employees along with the general goals of the organization.

Key words

motivation, factors, motivational systems, motivational models, effectiveness

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