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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2018 №19: 33-47


B. Morklianyk, Doctor of Technical Sciences
B. Brezden, Post-graduate student
National University "Lviv Polytechnic"


The article deals with the impact of cyclic freezing–thawing on the defor-mation and strong characteristics of soils foundations from the perspective of en-suring the reliability of foundations and foundations of buildings and structures. Experimental and theoretical investigations of the influence of cyclic freezing of soils on the bases of the bearing capacity of a single hanging pile are carried out in accordance with the methodology of the DBN. This work includes experimental research materials for the cracks formation process for composite material (con-crete with a polymer insert). It is shown that in the temperature range of –2…+40 °C there is a intense cracks formation process. It is concluded that the extra ten-sion, caused by difference in coefficients of thermal expansion, must be consid-ered while designing of foundations combined with heat pump collectors in which there are plastic heat exchangers.

The influence of the heat pump's work on the strength and deformability of the soil foundation's and the foundation of the building is investigated. It is neces-sary to carefully investigate the physical and mechanical characteristics of the soil foundations when designing heat pump collectors. Cyclical freezing of the soil reduces its resistance to a cut from 4 (for sand) to 35% (for clay). For calculations you can use empirical dependencies, the calculation error does not exceed 4%. Cyclical freezing-thawing of the soil reduces the angle of the internal friction of the soil and its specific adhesion. The greatest impact of freezing-freezing of the soil is on the specific adhesion of the loam. It was investigated that cyclic freezing-thawing of soil reduces deformation of the soil, while soil subsidence increases. The greatest effect of freezing-freezing of soil is on the modulus of deformation of the loam.

Key words

heat pump, cyclic freezing–thawing, collector

Full text



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