Position of leasing activity in the agrarian sphere of economy

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2019 №26: 104-107

Position of leasing activity in the agrarian sphere of economy

Sadura O., PhD
Ahres O. PhD
Lviv National Agrarian University



The work states that leasing is a special form of reproduction of fixed assets, a kind of entrepreneurial activity. It is one of the most attractive and most promising forms of investment that can significantly revive the process of updating of the material and technical base of agricultural commodity producers and entering of Ukraine's economy into the structure of the world market. Leasing is based on a long-term lease of property, that is, its transfer for temporary use on terms of payment, timeliness and repayment or redemption.

Leasing may be a good alternative to bank lending, since it allows significant reducing of start-up investment, and thus, opens wide opportunities for small and medium-size businesses. Comparing to other methods of acquiring technical means (bank credit, payment for delivery, purchase with deferred payment, etc.), it has a number of advantages.

It is proved that today the market of leasing services in Ukraine is at the stage of establishment as compared to the European countries, and also that leasing, as a way of sales of products and investments, has become widely used all over the world. In particular, foreign experience points to the purchase of equipment for leasing for billions of euros annually.

The volume of leasing operations in our country remains several times lower than the one in the western countries. To activate the leasing market, as well as successful development of leasing in Ukraine, it is advisable to carry out a set of proposed measures, namely: reforming of tax legislation, setting of standards for accelerated depreciation, diversifying sources of financing leasing operations, etc.

It is concluded that today the market of leasing services in Ukraine needs special attention, as it is not only a means to stimulate implementation of new technology, to accelerate updating of material and technical base, but also to intensify development of the national economy as a whole, improving its qualitative level.

Key words

bank, electronic banking, remote bank service, Internet banking, mobile banking

Full text



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Article received 17.10.2019.