Development of agrarian sector on the principles of bioeconomy

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2019 №26: 15-19

Development of agrarian sector on the principles of bioeconomy

Syrotiuk H., Ph.D.
Yankovska K., Ph.D.
Keleberda T., post-graduate student
Lviv National Agrarian University


The article highlights that the main aspect of the development of bioeconomy, which promotes sustainable food supply on the basis of transformation of a resource-consuming economy into resource-saving, is based on biological renewable resources.

The bioeconomy is considered as a new analytical and cognitive conception; a modern sector of the economy; a strategic form of analysis and programming of scientific and practical activity; development and new use of the previously known concepts of development, related to development of agriculture and agribusiness.

The research indicates that biotechnology is a basis for development of bioeconomy and serves as its technological and innovative constituent. Bioeconomy is based on such biotechnologies as “red biotechnologies”, “green biotechnologies”, “white biotechnologies”, and “blue biotechnologies”.

It is proved that development of agrarian sector on the principles of bioeconomy, particularly of a regional level, will secure setting of a balanced interaction between the growth of gross output of agricultural products in the region and protection of natural environment. However, for the country in total, the issues of sustainable and rational use of resources, employment of population and creation of a national product are of essential importance.

Use of agricultural production biomass for energy needs is a prospective direction of agrarian sector development on the fundamentals of bioeconomy. It is determined that Lviv region possesses sufficient bioeconomic potential for the further development of agrarian sector, particularly biomass potential.

The work marks insufficient governmental support for agricultural enterprises, which can use advanced biotechnologies.

It is proposed to consider bioeconomy as a system of social relations concerning production, distribution, exchange and consumption of the products, made of biological raw material with application of biotechnologies for economic growth and protection of ecosystem.

Key words

bioeconomy, economics, biotechnology, biomass, agrarian sector

Full text



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Article received 03.08.2019.