Spatial sustainable development of society as the basis of socio-economic relations

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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2019 №26: 11-14

Spatial sustainable development of society as the basis of socio-economic relations

Malanchuk M., Ph.D.
Muzyka N., Ph.D.
Khavar Yu., Ph.D.
Hulko O. Ph.D.
Lviv Polytechnic National University


Sustainable modern development of the territories highlights the following aspects, particularly, growth of economic assets, solution of social problems, improvement of environmental status. Planning and management of these processes are actually ensured by development of territories. Local planning is an important tool for sustainable territorial development. To reach the goal different approaches can be applied. First, we need to build a social model, then, an economic part, and afterwards to shape a plan for the territory development. Rural area is not only the place of living of a third of the country’s population, but also a resource base of production. Thus, its development depends on the land management system. A significant impact on rural territory development is done by agroholdings. Nowadays, many of them support the principles of business, i.e. they focus not only on profit obtaining, but also on the economic and environmental contribution of those enterprises to development of the territorial community. Currently, farmers have great potential at the world market, but they do not fully utilize all export opportunities. Spatial development is secured by the following components, namely economic, innovative, and environmental. The article considers some issues of sustainable development of economic and political cooperation between different states and territories. In addition, sustainable development is considered as a new phenomenon in methodological and theoretical researches and works, and is positioned as a new inevitability for the present and future generations, as a new stage in progressive development of the humanity that requires revision of the existing approaches at all levels, from global to an objective one. Modern economic development has the potential to become an effect of generally accepted moral and spiritual renewal of society, establishment of a new system of standards and moral values. Nowadays, it is necessary to change our ideas and views concerning a wide range of problems, and to reconsider the ways for their solution.

Key words

sustainable development, social relations, environment safe enterprise

Full text



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Article received 10.09.2019.