Methodology of determination of intensity of soil burial and emission loss of carbon agro-landscapes of left bank in Polissya the event of a plane vegetation period

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2019 №23: 238-243

Methodology of determination of intensity of soil burial and emission loss of carbon agro-landscapes of left bank in Polissya the event of a plane vegetation period

Trofymenko P., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7692-5785
Trofimenko N., Phd in Economics
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2086-1225
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Veremeyenko S., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4513-0733
National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Borysov F., Candidate of Technical Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4871-1269
Zhytomyr National Agroecological University


In the work the issues of development of the methodology of determining the intensity of soil respiration (ISR) and emission of carbon losses by agrolandscapes of the Left Bank Polissya of Ukraine at the end of the vegetation period are discussed.

It was established that the increase of carbon dioxide concentration in practically all soil abnormalities occurred approximately in accordance with the step function. From 20-25 minutes of exposure in each of the isoterms, there was a slight bend, which was the so-called «saturation effect», which arose as a result of an increase in the concentration inside the chamber and the gradual inhibition of its production by the soil.

According to the data obtained, the highest intensity of carbon dioxide emission was observed on peat-marsh soils, which is associated with a significant amount of organic matter in it and the passage of active processes of its decomposition.

The values of ISR for the studied soils, kg/ha / h, were established: sod-podzolic sandy soil on the ancient alluvium (arable land) 3,0 ± 0,28, (forest band) 3,55 ± 0,33; light gray podzolized sandy soils on loess-like sediments (maize) 3,08 ± 0,29; meadow gleyic coarse-dusty-light-loam soil on modern alluvial deposits (hayfield) 2,76 ± 0,28; peat-boggy well-decomposed soils on modern alluvial deposits, marshes 10,70 ± 0,38. It was established that the intensity of the production of C-CO2 by soddy podzolic binder sandy soil under field-protected forest poles exceeded the corresponding value on arable land by 15,5%, which is due to a larger, compared with corn root pine mass and favorable abiotic conditions in the atmosphere adjacent to the layer soils.

It is shown that the promising direction of scientific research is a scientifically grounded prediction of changes in the volumes of C-CO2 emission from soils, depending on their belonging to certain agricultural lands in the context of climate change transformation.

Key words

СО2 emissions, Polissya soil, carbon, methodology, ISR

Full text



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