Fertilizer efficiency on the formation of mineral nutrition depending on tillage

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2019 №23: 212-221

Fertilizer efficiency on the formation of mineral nutrition depending on tillage

Pogromskaya Ya., Senior Scientific Cjllaboration
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6784-3633



It is determined that the choice of the fertilizer scheme in grain-seed crop rotation under the soil-climatic conditions of the eastern Steppe should take into account the features of the use of mineral and organic fertilizers in the schemes of soil protection technologies in relation to the formation of the level of basic mineral nutrition.

The mineral fertilizer system with higher doses in grain-seed crop rotation provides an increase in the content of nitrates in soil on average by crop rotation by 36,1 % for plowing, by 26,0 % for subsurface cultivator tillage, an increase in phosphate content by 52,9 % and 60,8 % respectively, an increase in the content of exchangeable potassium by 5,5 % and 3,7 % respectively, while at the same time having the risk of adverse effects on the mobility of the latter under continuous crops (especially for subsurface cultivator tillage). Fertilizing manure provides less fertilizer than the mineral fertilizer system, the efficiency with respect to the content of nitrates (5,2 % for plowing and 10,6% for subsurface cultivator tillage) and phosphates (32,4 % for plowing and 36,3 % for subsurface cultivator tillage) in soil, but higher efficiency with respect to the movement of potassium (8,2 % for plowing and 10,5 % for subsurface cultivator tillage). However, against the backdrop of fertilization with manure, negative manifestations of nitrates and exchangeable potassium are possible, especially in the background of plowing, which provides greater efficiency of manure, as fertilizer, in the field-free cultivation system. Application of manure in the system of organo-mineral fertilizers provides the maximum efficiency in the formation of the level of basic mineral nutrition (48,7 % for plowing and 35,0 % for subsurface cultivator tillage nitrates treatment – 78,8 % and 83,0% respectively phosphates and 14,4 % and 16,9 % respectively of potassium), excluding negative effects. The introduction of straw into chernozem soils should only be applied on the background of traditional plowing and only in the system with complete mineral fertilizers, which on average provides high enough effects on the mobility of the main nutrients in the soil (48,1 % for plowing and 24,2 % for subsurface cultivator tillage) in relation to nitrates – 53,0 % and 57,2 % respectively of phosphates and 11,0 % and 6,5 % respectively of potassium), however, without excluding the possibility of negative manifestations regarding potassium against the background of high doses of nitrogen fertilizers.

Key words

nitrates, phosphates, exchangeable potassium, plowing, subsurface cultivator tillage, organic and mineral fertilizers

Full text



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