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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2018 №25: 163-168


Kohana T., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Parhuts M., Senior Lecturer
Lviv National Agrarian University


The article notes that, on the one hand, motivation is a long-term process that affects employees and aims to change their established parameters of the structure of interests and values, on the other hand, it is a motivational system that is formed for one or several workers. Therefore, motivation is a process of inducing a person to work effectively, which will help in achieving goals of organization through the formation of motives.

The results of studying the influence of motivation on the process of inducing a person to work are presented. The main indicator of the effectiveness of the employee's motivation is the level of labor productivity, which depends directly on remuneration. It is established that in addition to satisfying material needs, workers are motivated by a number of other demands for remuneration, such as its objectivity, predictability, adequacy, timeliness, significance and equity.

The agricultural enterprise must combine different forms of motivation. The researches of the enterprises have shown, in what way in the real economic practice the different forms of labor motivation are combined. It is established that the most common and most effective are material methods, since they meet most needs. If we consider the economic components of a motivational system, the remuneration fulfills the most important function. The low level of remuneration will not satisfy the workers, which will lead to the loss of skilled employees and the high staff turnover. Encouraging employees improves the performance at any enterprise, increases the productivity of its staff and ensures the competitiveness of the organization. The lion's share in the process of motivation is the labor remuneration and it must be considered as a factor that increases the efficiency of work.

Key words

labor, motivation, demands, remuneration, motivational processes

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