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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2018 №25: 114-119


Dudyak R., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Polniuk Kh.
Bilskyy I., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Lviv National Agrarian University


Restaurant economy is one of the most important components of the economy of Ukraine and the tourism industry. The restaurant business is a unique area of entrepreneurial activity, which acts as an independent sphere and has an interesting history of formation and development.

One of the most important components of the Ukrainian economy is the restaurant industry – a sphere of human activity that has been developing rapidly in recent years. The basis of this industry consists of enterprises characterized by unity of forms of organization of production and service of consumers, they are distinguished by types and specialization.

The Ukrainian restaurant market is dynamically developing: the number of restaurant facilities has increased and the appearance has improved, as well as the range of offered dishes and drinks has increased.

In the restaurant business, the new trend – democratic restaurants – is thematic restaurants where the cooking takes place in the presence of guests of the establishment, there are no waiters, a wide range of products and an open kitchen. Also there are specialized enterprises with a shorter set of dishes and services. As a rule, they specialize in the preparation of national dishes, breakfasts, dinners. Fast food restaurants, specializing in hamburgers, sandwiches, fried potatoes, pizza and others, became quite common.

The main task of the restaurant industry is to meet the needs of people in the consumption of food and beverages. Without stimulating the development of recreation and tourism in general, education in the field of restaurant business and the promotion of the state, further development of restaurant business will be impossible, and this is a significant factor in the formation of the potential of tourism.

Key words

restaurant, catering, restaurant business enterprise, national dishes, restaurant business

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