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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2018 №25: 48-51


Ivanitskyi I., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Lviv National Agrarian University


The issues of development of the information society are considered. A new stage in the development of civilization is the information society, which is characterized by an increase in the role of information and knowledge in the life of society, an increase in the share of information communications. The information society is different from the previous one, because the main factor is the non-material factors – knowledge and information, in the process of receiving, processing, storing and issuing of which most members of society are employed. However, in the information society, the production of information does not supplant material production, and is built on it, and stimulates its development. Therefore, we need to speak not about the information society itself, but about the combination of industrial and informational factors in the development and functioning of society. Information society introduces qualitative changes and in the methodology of modern education: knowledge forms the basis for the realization of educational needs and constitute one of the most important industrial factors. In the information society, the country's economy is undergoing change and is transformed into an economy based on information and knowledge, intelligent information technologies, and supported by a developed person. These trends in the economy require new types of education, ethical competence and infrastructure, which supports the process of continuous improvement of knowledge and skills. Education in the information society – an environment of information exchange, which involves not only learning, but also the transmission and generation of new information received in exchange and production of knowledge. The main problems of informatization of education are revealed. In the conditions of the information society, the educational institution fundamentally changes its main components, such as the organizational structure, methods and forms of education. attractive and accessible is the distance learning method of the Internet, which allows you to save time and money, and contributes to raising the quality of education. Education in the information society should promote the emergence of new technologies that accelerate the movement of society. In the field of education there should be an assessment and correction of the values of society.

Key words

information, information society, information technologies

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