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Visnyk LNAU: Economics of AIC 2018 №25: 40-44


Zelisko N., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Melnyk V., Post-graduate Student
Lviv National Agrarian University


In a globalized and competitive global food market development of the agricultural sector of the national economy should be ensured through effective mechanism of innovation activity. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical approaches to determining the impact of innovation on the development of resource potential of enterprises in the agricultural sector. The article reveals the development and improvement of organizational and economic mechanism providing innovative agricultural sector of the national economy as the basis for improving its competitiveness; promotion of innovative activities, identifying promising forms and ways of its implementation and funding sources. In consequence of scientific novelty, the results of the research an actual scientific task – the development of management tools for the formation and development of innovative potential of Ukraine’s competitive agricultural sector, including the activation of domestic innovation market and providing scientific and production cooperation. In the research, the conceptual understanding of the development of innovative potential of Ukraine’s agrarian sector is increased. This article analyzes the сurrent state of innovation development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, shows the characteristics of innovation activity of state in agriculture. The main reasons and factors hindering the innovative development of domestic agricultural enterprises are considered. The ways to improve the innovative activity of agrarian enterprises are demonstrated. The need to form a favorable economic, social, ecological development environment for stimulating research activities is revealed. Specific examples of the achievements of leading research centers NAAS have been given, but the scope and level of scientific development and, especially, implementation does not yet fully meet the needs of the agricultural sector. The main attention is paid to determining the structure of the innovative potential of the national economy agrarian sector and features of its formation. The essence of innovation potential forms of its manifestation in the agricultural sector. Established that innovative capacity a factor intensifying production through its innovative modernization, the development of which is constrained by lack of adequate funding for its implementation. The proposals on the formation of strategic priority directions for the development of the innovative potential of the agrarian sector of Ukraine were developed.

Key words

innovative development, innovative potential, innovative activity in agrarian sector, agrarian sector, development of innovative potential of agrarian sector, sustainable development

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