Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2018 №19: 160-163
A. Sokhnych, Doctor of Economic Sciences
Lviv National Agrarian University
O. Sokhnych, Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD)
The State Audit Service of Ukraine>
Making of managerial decisions is a crucial process of managerial activity. Managerial decisions require from managers to have a high level of competence, substantial expenses of time, efforts, experience. The methods of management, developed in the process of managerial activity, can influence the controlled sys-tem only after making of managerial decisions. A managerial decision, which is made in the process of a choice of an alternative, is a definite resume of manageri-al activity, a result of interpretations of actions and intentions, conclusions, discus-sions, forecasts, focused on implementation of managerial goals.
Methods of management, which have been transformed into managerial decisions, come from a controlling system to a controlled one by the channels of a direct connection. They make the required managerial impact, which secures per-formance of operational acts, supplying of services, reaching of appropriate pro-ductive, financial, economic and other results.
Making of an optimal managerial decision is possible due to a complete analysis of the processes and problems of operational, sale, financial and other kinds of activity with the focus on the interests and strategic goals of the organi-zation. It is also important to consider the factors, connected with the saving of material, financial and labor resources, as well as obtaining of an optimal profit, etc.
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