Dynamics of mineral forms of nitrogen of light gray forest surface-gleyed soil under long-time anthropogenic impact

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2020 №24: 45-50

Dynamics of mineral forms of nitrogen of light gray forest surface-gleyed soil under long-time anthropogenic impact

T. Partyka, Candidate of Biological Science
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7912-5292
Yu. Olifir, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7920-1854
O. Havryshko, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5458-0691
Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian region of NAAS
I. Turchak, Senior Specialist
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8757-7045
Lviv branch of the State Institution Soil Protection Institute of Ukraine



The article presents results of the researches, obtained in the classical stationary experiment, concerning the influence of long-term application of different fertilization systems and periodic liming on the dynamics of mineral forms of nitrogen in light gray forest surface-gleyed soil under winter wheat. The nitrogen fertilizer efficiency in agroecosystems remains low. Only about 50 % of nitrogen is used for crop production during the growing season. The undigested nitrogen poses a risk of environmental pollution. The content of mineral nitrogen in the soil is one of the most important factors influencing both high crop yields and the potential risk of environmental pollution.

The studies have shown that during the whole growing season under winter wheat, the content of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen in light gray forest surface-charred soil without fertilizer was 0.74–0,12 and 31.0–12.1 mg/kg respectively. The organic-mineral fertilizer system, with application of 10 t of manure on 1 ha of rotation of area, one norm (N65P68K68) of mineral fertilizers with the background of application of 1,0 n CaCO3 according to hydrolytic acidity provides less accumulation of nitrate nitrogen (1.77–0.35 mg/kg) than the same system with applying one and a half norm (N105P101K101) of mineral fertilizers (3.21–0.64 mg/kg), and therefore less risk of adverse impact on the ecosystem. The long-term use of a full norm of mineral fertilizers without liming and organic fertilizer contributes to the 25 % increase in N-NO3 accumulation in the soil, as compared to the organic-mineral fertilizer system. However, due to the increase of the acidity of soil extract (pHKCl 4.24) under the influence of high doses of mineral fertilizers, the plants cannot absorb the available nitrogen compounds. It leads to an increase in mineralization processes, which is environmentally dangerous and can cause development of the degradation processes in light gray forest surface-gleyed soil.

Key words

nitrate nitrogen, lime, ammonium nitrogen, light-gray forest surface-gleyed soils, mineral fertilizers, manure, winter wheat

Full text



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