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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2019 №20: 90-93


А. Sokhnych, Doctor of Economic Sciences
Lviv National Agrarian University
L. Кazachenko, PhD
Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University


Monitoring of landslide processes in settlements should to be carried out with certain periodicity. Thus, it requires use of the modern geographic information systems, remote sensing of Earth, space pictures and software. The land slide processes in settlements occur under a long-lasting anthropogenic pressure on the environment. It is known that mining causes some negative geological processes, which finally result in destruction of top layer of soil. Adequate reaction to such effects, as well as forecasting and prevention of those negative processes development, require permanent updating of the information that can be obtained by means of RSE and GIS-technologies.

To perform monitoring of degraded and erosion-dangerous land it is necessary to obtain the latest information permanently. The only alternative for obtaining of the latest information can be proposed by application of the data of remote sending of land from outer space and use of modern geo-informational systems.

Monitoring of soil cover and prevention of development of its destructive processes can be secured only under permanent obtaining of space images of high resolution and high quality. To estimate intensity of erosion processes development and determine any transformation in the soil cover, it is necessary to get images of the same area made at different time.

Nowadays, the issue of monitoring is of urgent importance. The principal tasks are not solved, particularly determination of that territory and depiction of the objects in soft and hard copy. Unfortunately, the precise area of that territory is not measured and the data are not introduced into the base of the state land cadaster of Ukraine.

The problem needs urgent solution by careful surface observation of lands with the set coordinates for building of ecological networks and by applying modern instruments of support, particularly GIS-technologies, remote sensing of land from space, computer software product for processing of the measuring results and obtaining of the expected outcome. It is important to stop the landslide processes, prevent their appearance and forecast development of them.

Detection of dangerous territories requires use of time, costs, transport, equipment, specialists, i.e. the process is expensive and long one. Application of the data of RSE from space saves time, costs and supplies information about the current conditions of land use and development of erosion and degradation processes of soil cover. Applying the data of space basing of the Earth one can fast determine boundaries of the studied territories, examine adjacent area and coordinates of the studied territory and, hence, reduce the time for observation performance.

Key words

processes of earth motion, degradation of soil cover, destructive erosion processes, GIS-technologies, systems of ground basing, RSE, modern computer product, space images, information layers, cadastral maps

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