Genetic typology of soils of eastern Carpathians in connection with anthropogenic processes

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2019 №23: 244-248

Genetic typology of soils of eastern Carpathians in connection with anthropogenic processes

Hnativ P., Doctor of Biological Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2519-3235
Lviv National Agrarian University


The role of the original authentic vegetation cover with an adequate biotic complex of consuments and reducents in the emergence and formation of the primary soil cover of the Eastern Carpathians is substantiated. It made a significant contribution to the formation of the natural indigenous types of soils, and during the period of tangible human intervention in this process became a factor of secondary transformation processes. A lucid attitude to the primary ecosystem factors of soil formation generates groundless innovations in the study and classification of modern anthropogenic soil degradation in the Carpathian region.

An importance of identification of the native soil cover as starting background of the scientific monitoring of transformation processes and dynamic tendencies in the terrestrial ecosystems of Ukrainian Carpathians are substantiated. It is not correct to take the secondary processes in mountain forest soils as determining signs of classification related to their type. Due to the formation under the deep and wide scale anthropogenic transformation of vegetation cover and other biota, modern and diverse soils in Carpathian mountain country are secondary. They should be classified exceptionally as derivative ones, which have been formed on the spot of native, natural-historical types which are formed in concrete conditions.

Based on the scientific classification and the deep environmental assessment of the soil process vector – from the primary to the secondary, development or degression, it is possible to predict and prevent the destruction of soils and reduce their fertility, and, ultimately, to preserve the capacity for self-healing as a basic natural block of terrestrial ecosystems and sustainable resource development of mountain forest-agrarian regions.

The main condition for preserving the soil cover of the mountainous region of the Ukrainian Carpathians is, first of all, an adequate assessment of its genesis, development and state of specific soils that have to use as a starting basis for scientific monitoring of modern dynamic processes.

Key words

biogeocenosis cover, mountain-forest soils, factors of soil formation, classification

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